Sunday, January 30, 2011

Holy crap! I have been wayyy behind on my blogging.. sorry folks!

Christmas was great!! It was fun to spend Christmas with both sides of our family.

My birthday was great too! David invited all of our friends over that Saturday and we had pulled pork tacos and other delicious food. It was fun to visit and hang out.

Connor is getting soo big! He wants to be more independent and wants to do everything himself. And he is such a copy cat! Connor loves to chase the cats around the house, play with the vacuum, go up and down the stairs, makes car noises when he plays with his cars, growls, says "uh-oh", "ouch", "up", "crash", and once I swear he said "itsy bitsy spider" when we were singing it! He also loves chocolate milk and cheese and anything sweet (of course!). He can point to his nose, eyes and belly button. He also folds his arms when we say prayer! It is the cutest thing ever! He is soo fun to be around!

David is still doing flight school! Same ol' same ol'!! The weather has been bad so he hasn't been able to fly as much as he wants to. But he is working on getting his private license and is doing his practice tests as a study guide. So far so good!! I'm so proud of him!

1 comment:

Lis said...

Hey Brittany,
Add me when you get your Blog private.

It's fun to see the pictures of Connor. He id getting so big. We miss you guys.
